update but now that i think of it, i think the only canonically underage characters i drew were koichi and yukako? but yea an apology is still in charge. if (and this is a hipothetical, im not that into jojo anymore) i drew them again i'd try to make them look older (granted it would be hard considering the jojo artstyle makes them look like normal human beings, and, therefore, old. especially yucky- i mean yukako)
update but now that i think of it, i think the only canonically underage characters i drew were koichi and yukako? but yea an apology is still in charge. if (and this is a hipothetical, im not that into jojo anymore) i drew them again i'd try to make them look older (granted it would be hard considering the jojo artstyle makes them look like normal human beings, and, therefore, old. especially yucky- i mean yukako)